This blog post is curated from different sources such as:

But mostly, I summarized MDN documentation according to my own needs.

Table of Contents

Basic Selectors

Universal Selectors:

/* * Selects all elements of any type */
* { color: green; }

*.warning and .warning are equivalent

Id Selectors:

#id {}

equivalent to attribute selector: [id=id_value]

Class Selectors

.class_name {}
li.class_name {}
/* both class1 and class2 required: */
li.class1.class2 {}

equivalent to attribute selector: [class~=class_name]

Type Selectors:

a {}
span {}
/* apply to both h1 and h2 */
h1, h2 {}

Adjacent sibling combinator +

/* p follows img immediately */
img + p {}
former_element + target_element {}

Child combinator >

/* target is direct children of ul */
ul > target {}

General sibling selectors ~

/* span follows p and both are children of the same parent */
p ~ span {}

<span>not selected.</span>

Descendant combinator (space) or >>

/* li is descendant of ul */
ul li {}


Attribute selector

/* <a> elements with a title attribute */
a[title] { }

/* <a> elements with an href matching "" */
a[href=""] { }

/* <a> elements with an href containing "example" */
a[href*="example"] { }

/* <a> elements with an href ending ".org" */
a[href$=".org"] { }

/* attr contains a list of words one of which matches value */
a[attr~="value"] { }

/* case sensitive: i I */
a[href*="insensitive" i] {}


| description                     | example                 |
| select all elements of any type | *{}                     |
| select some_id                  | #some_id{}              |
| select class1 and class2 elems  | .class1.class2 {}       |
| select h1 h3 types              | h1, h3 {}               |
| p follows img directly          | img + p {}              |
| li direct children of ul        | ul > li {}              |
| span follows p                  | p ~ span {}             |
| li descendant of ul             | ul li {}                |
| <a> with title attribute        | a[title] {}             |
| <a> href matches          | a[href=""] |
| <a> href contains g             | a[href*="g"]            |
| <a> href ends with ".org"       | a[href$=".org"]         |
| <a> attr contains "val" word    | a[attr~="val"]          |


Pseudo selectors

| description                               | selector        |
| mouse over selector                       | a:hover         |
| active link selector                      | a:active        |
| focus selector                            | input:focus     |
| visited links selector                    | a:visited       |
| link (not yet visited) selector           | a:link          |
| checked elements (toggled to an on state) | input:checked   |
| disabled elements                         | input:disabled  |
| enabled elements                          | input:enabled   |
| not a specified element                   | :not(p)         |
| first line                                | p::first-line   |
| first letter                              | p::first-letter |
| first child                               | p:first-child   |
| last child                                | p:last-child    |
| nth child (every 4th child)               | p:nth-child(4n) |
| first element of its type among siblings  | p:first-of-type |
| element with no children                  | p:empty         |

/* odd rows of a table */
/* seventh element */

Font Styling

| description  | css             | values                             |
| font style   | font-style:     | normal italic oblique              |
| font variant | font-variant    | normal small-caps                  |
| boldness     | font-weight     | normal bold bolder lighter 100-900 |
| vertical     | vertical-align  | baseline 10px top ...              |
| transform    | text-transform  | capitalise lowercase uppercase     |
| size         | font-size       | 12px 0.8em 80%                     |
| space        | letter-spacing  | normal 4px                         |
| height       | line-height     | normal 3em 34%                     |
| horizontal   | text-align      | left right center justify          |
| decoration   | text-decoration | none underline overline ...        |
| indent       | text-indent     | 25px                               |
| font         | font-family     | 'Open Sans', sans-serif            |


Use CSS Grid instead


| description | css               | values       |
| image       | background-image  | url()        |
| repeat      | background-repeat | repeat-x ... |
| attachment  | ..                | ..           |
| color       | background-color  | ..           |
| position    | ..                |              |

Box Properties

| description | css          | values                 |
| sizing      | box-sizing   | border-box             |
| margin      | margin       | 2px 4px 6px 8px        |
| padding     | padding      | ..                     |
| color       | border-color |                        |
| style       | border-style | none hidden dotted ... |
| width       | border-width | 10px                   |

List Styling

| description | css                 | values         |
| type        | list-style-type     | disc circle .. |
| positon     | list-style-position | inside outside |
| image       | list-style-image    | url()          |