This is an old book but it is one of the best programming books ever written.

Table of Contents

ch01: Fundamental Concepts

1.1 Functional Programming

programming in fp =
  building definitions and evaluating expressions
programmer's role
  construct a function to solve a problem
computer's role
  act as an evaluator (calculator)
  contain instances of names of functions
  evaluated by using definitions as simplification (reduction)
feature of fp
  order of evaluation doesn't affect outcome =
    meaning of expression is its value
    computer's role: to obtain it
  thus: expressions can be constructed, reasoned about using algebraic laws
    like other mathematical expressions
result: a conceptual framework
  very simple, concise, flexible and powerful

1.1.1 Sessions and scripts

session: sequence of interactions bw user and computer
building definitions
  script: a list of definitions
      square x = x * x
      min x y = x, if x <= y
        = y, if x > y
    two functions: min, square
    square: x as argument
      square (min 3 4) =
      square 3 =
    purpose of definition:
      to introduce a binding between a name and a value
        ex: name: square, value: function that squares its argument
    environment (context): set of bindings
        evaluated in some context
        contain instances of names found in that context
        uses definitions of these names
        to simplify expressions

1.2 Expressions and values

most important feature of mathematical notation:
  referential transparency
  expression is used only to describe a value
    there are no other effects
  value of expression depends only on values of its subexpressions
  variables: names that stand for unknown values

1.2.1 Reduction

evaluation = simplification = reduction
=> means "reduces to"
  square (3+) => square 7
  => 7 * 7
  => 49
  49 cannot be further reduced
    printed by computer
canonical: expression is canonical if it cannot be further reduced
@mine: concept map 
  [definition] consists of -> n [line]
  [line] -<>1 [expression]
  [line] -<>1 [guard]
  [definition] ^- [conditional_definition]
  [definition] introduces -> 1 [binding]
  [definition] has inner -> 1 [context]
  [context] has -> n [definition]
  [binding] -<>1 [name]
  [binding] -<>1 [value]
  [expression] contain instances of -> n [name]
  [evaluator] uses [definition] of [name] to simplify [expression]
  [expression] means -> [value]
  [variable] is [name] with unknown [value]

1.3 Types

types: set of values
2 kinds of types
  basic types: values are given as primitive
  compound types: values are constructed from other types
strong typing:
  every expression can be assigned a type
    that can be deduced from the constituents alone
    any expression that cannot be assigned a type
    is not well-formed
  ex: not well-formed definition
    ay x = 'A'
    bee x = x + ay x
2 stages of analysis before evaluation
  syntax: does expression conform to correct syntax
  type: does expression have sensible type
@mine: concept map
  [type] is a set of -> n [value]
  [expression] has -> [type]
  [type] of [expression] can be deduced from its sub [expression]
  [type] ^- [basic_type]
  [type] ^- [compound_type]
  [compound_type] constructed from other -> n [type]

1.4 Functions and definitions

most important value kind: function value
function f:
  a rule of mapping with each element of type A to a unique element of type B
  source type: A
  target type: B
functions are values exactly as other values

1.4.1 Type information

  square:: num -> num
    type information of function
  square x = x * x
    definition of function
type information is optional
  can be inferred from its defining equation alone
very general source/target types
    id x = x
  type variables: α -> α 
    α denotes a type variable
polymorphic type: id has polymorphic type
  expression contains type variables

1.4.2 Forms of definition

case analysis
    min x y = x, if x<=y
      = y, if x>y
  two expressions:
    actual function definition: = x
    guard: x <= y
  local definition: 
      f(x,y) = a +1 where a = x / 2
    where: introduces a local definition
      whose context (scope) is rhs of definition of f

1.4.3 Currying

  min x y = x, if x<=y
    = y, if x>y
  min' (x,y) = x, if x<=y
    =y, if x>y
  difference between min and min':
    min: takes two arguments one at a time
    min': takes a single argument which is a structured value consisting of a pair of numbers
  min'::(num,num) -> num
    (min x) is a function which takes y
  (add 1): successor function
  (add 0): identity function
currying: replacing structured arguments by a sequence of simple ones
benefits of currying
  reduces number of brackets to be written in expressions
associates to left:
  operation of functional application
    min x y 
      means: (min x) y
      not: min (x y)
@mine: concept map
  [function] is a rule of [mapping] between elements of [type] A and [type] B
  [function] is a -> [value]
  [function] is a kind of [value]
  [expression] is a -> [value]
  [polymorphic_type] is a -> [type]
  [expression] has [polymorphic_type] if it contains [type_variable]
  [currying] replaces multiple [argument] one by one
  [functional_application] is a kind of -> [operation]
  [operation] has -> [associativity]
  [left_associative] is a kind of -> [associativity]
  [right_associative] is a kind of -> [associativity]
  [specification] is a description of a [program]
  [implementation] is a [program] that satisfies [specification]

1.5 Specifications and implementations

specification: mathematical description of the task a program is to perform
implementation: a program that satisfies the specification
different in nature
  specs: expressions of programmer's intent or client's expectation
    purpose: to be brief and clear 
  impl: expressions for execution by computer
    purpose: to be efficient
link between the two: implementation satisfies the specification
  programmer: provide a proof that this is the case
    increase x > square x for all x >= 0
      result of increase should be greater than square of its argument
    increase x = square (x + 1)

ch02: Basic Data Types

2.1 Numbers

2.1.1 Precedence

higher precedence first:
  functional application
  x / div mod
  + -
  square 3 * 4 =
  (square 3) * 4

2.1.2 Order of association

functional application:
  operator denoted by a space
    associates to the left
        5-4-2 =
associates to the right
    3^4^5 =
  function type operator:
    α -> β -> γ =
    α -> (β -> γ)
associative: something different
  an operator ⊕ is associative if:
    (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z = x ⊕ (y ⊕ z)
  + and x are associative, ^ not
  then order of association has no effect

2.1.3 div and mod

(+):: num -> num -> num
section: bracketed operator
  converts it to ordinary prefix function
  (+) x y = x + y
bracketed operators can be used in expressions
  both f x = f x x
  both (+) 3 = (+) 3 3 = 3 + 3 = 6
  double = both (+)
section: an argument can also be enclosed with operator
    (x⊕) y = x ⊕ y
    (⊕x) y = y ⊕ x

2.2.2 The logical operators

∧ conjunction (and)
∨ disjunction (or)
¬ negation (not)
ex: leap year
  must be divisible by 4
  if divisible by 100, then it must be divisible by 400
    leap y = (y mod 4 = 0) ∧ (y mod 100 ≠ 0 ∨ y mod 400 = 0)
  opt2: by cases
    leap y = (y mod 4 = 0) , if y mod 100 = 0
      = (y mod 400 = 0), otherwise
ex: do the lines form a triangle
  analyse a b c = 0, if a + b ≤ c
    = 1, if a + b > c ∧ a = c
    = 2, if a + b > c ∧ a ≠ c ∧ (a = b ∨ b = c)
ex: undefined value 
  if no guard evaluates to True
all alternatives in a conditional definition must have same type
@mine: concept map: operators
    functional application (space)
    function type ->
  [operator] is [associative] 
    if (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z = x ⊕ (y ⊕ z)
  [operator] is a [infix_function]
  [bracketed_operator] is a [prefix_function]
    (+) x y = x + y
  [section] is a [curried_function]
    (x⊕) y = x ⊕ y
  [undefined_value] is a [value]
  [expression] has [undefined_value] if no [guard] evaluates to True

2.3 Characters and strings

2.3.1 Strings

list of characters

2.3.2 Layout

to produce tables, pictures, formatted text
  show:: α -> string
  show 42 = "42"
justification functions
  ljustify, cjustify, rjustify :: num -> string -> string

2.4 Tuples

  quotrem :: (num,num) -> (num,num)
  quotrem (x,y) = (x div y, x mod y)

2.4.1 Example: rational arithmetic

2.5 Patterns

  defined by patterns
    cond True x y = x
    cond False x y = y
  equivalent to
    cond p x y = x, if p = True
      = y, if p = False
  by pattern
    permute 0 = 1
    permute 1 = 2
    permute 2 = 0
  equivalent to
    permute n = 1, if n = 0
      = 2, if n = 1
      = 0, if n = 2
patterns containing variables
    pred 0 = 0
    pred (n + 1) = n

2.6 Functions

higher-order function: function which takes a function as argument, or delivers one as result

2.6.1 Functional composition

h x = f(g x)
(f · g) x = f(g x)
(·)::(β -> γ) -> (α -> β) -> (α -> γ)
associative operation
  (f·g)·h = f·(g·h)
  thus no need to put in brackets when writing sequences of compositions
benefit: some definitions become shorter
  soln x = f1 (f2 (f3 x))
  same as:
  soln = f1 · f2 · f3

2.6.2 Operators

operators: functions used in infix form
all non-primitive operators 
  associate to the right
  have the same binding power
when to define a function as operator?
  if operator is associative
    x ⊕ y ⊕ z
    same as
    radd (radd x y) z
    radd x (radd y z)

2.6.3 Inverse Functions

suppose for f::A->B
  distinct values in A are mapped to distinct values in B
  f x = f y iff x = y
  injective: such a function is injective
inverse of f: f⁻¹
  f⁻¹(f x) = x
  f:: num -> (num, num)
  f x = (sign x, abs x)
  f⁻¹(s,a) = s * a
common in mathematical specifications: specify a function f by requirement that it is inverse of a given function g known to be injective
    sqrt (square x) = x
  this gives no hint as to how to compute
    not executable (constructive) definition
surjective: for every y in B there exists some x in A st f x = y
  f(f⁻¹y) = y
bijective: f is both injective and surjective

2.6.4 Strict and non-strict functions

strict if f NaN = NaN
  three :: num -> num
  three x = 3
    three (1/0) = 3
three NaN ≠ NaN
non-strict semantics is preferable to strict
    reasoning about equality easier
    we can define new control structures by defining new functions
        cond p x y = x, if p
          = y, otherwise
        normal definition:
          recip x = 0, if x = 0
            = 1/x, otherwise
        instead use non-strict definition:
          recip x = cond (x = 0) 0 (1/x)
          recip 0 = cond (0 = 0) 0 (1/0) = cond True 0 NaN = 0
        with strict semantics:
          recip 0 = cond (0 = 0) 0 (1/0) = cond True 0 NaN = NaN
  tuples are non-strict:
    fst(1+0, 1/0) = 1
  eager vs. lazy evaluation:
      evaluate x, y first
      evaluate fst first

2.7 Type synonyms

sometimes it is inconvenient to declare types of functions
type synonym: enables programmer to introduce a new name for a given type
  position == (num,num)
  angle == num
  distance == num
  definition of move:
    move :: distance -> angle -> position -> position
    move d a (x,y) = (x + d * cos a,y + d * sin a)
  string == [char]
can be generic: parameterised by type variables
    pairs α == (α,α)
    automorph α == α -> α

2.8 Type inference

(·)f g x = f(g x)
f :: t1
g :: t2
x :: t3
f(g x) :: t4
(·) :: t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4
three rules
  application rule
    if f x :: t, then x::t' and f::t'->t for some new type t'
  equality rule
  function rule
@mine: concept map
  [definition] - n [pattern]
  [function] ^- [higher_order_function]
  [higher_order_function] has a [function] as [argument] or returns one
  [functional_composition] is [associative]
  nonprimitive [operator] are [right_associative]
  [function] is [injective] 
    if f x = f y iff x = y
  [inverse] of a [function]
  [function] is [surjective] 
    if ∀ y ∈ B => ∃ x ∈ A: f x = y
  [bijective] if both [injective] and [surjective]
    if f Na = Na
    if f Na ≠ Na
  [nonstrict] is preferable to [strict]
  [tuple] are [nonstrict]
  [eager] vs. [lazy] evaluation
  [type_synonym] is a new [name] for a given [type]
  [type_synonym] can be [generic]
  [generic] means that it can be parameterised by [type_variable]

ch03: Lists

3.1 List notation

3.2 List comprehensions

uses a syntax adapted from conventional mathematics for describing sets
  [〈expression〉| 〈qualifier〉;...;〈qualifier〉]
    〈qualifier〉is either a boolean valued expression or a generator
    〈variable〉<- 〈list〉
    ? [x*x|x <- [1..10]; even x]
    ? [(a,b)| a <- [1..3]; b <- [1..2]]
  multiple generators: 
    later generators vary more quickly than their predecessors
    later generators can depend on earlier ones
    ?[(i,j)| i<-[1..2]; j <-[i+1..2]]
  we can freely add generators with boolean valued expressions
    ?[(i,j)| i<-[1..2]; even i; j <-[i+1..2]]
  ex: using comprehensions in other comprehensions
    pairs = [(i,j)| i<-[1..2]; even i; j <-[i+1..2]]
    [i+j | (i,j) <- pairs]
  ex: using list comprehensions in definitions
    spaces n = [' ' | j <- [1..n]]
  ex: greatest common divisor
    divisors n = [d | d <- [1..n]; n mod d = 0]
    gcd a b = max[d | d <- divisors a; b mod d = 0]
  ex: whether a number is prime
    prime n = (divisors n = [1,n])

3.3 Operations on lists

concatenation: ++
  (++) :: [α] -> [α] -> [α]
  associative operations
  has identity element: []
naming conventions:
  x: element
  xs: list of x
  xss: list of xs
concat function: concatenates a list of lists into one long list
  concat :: [[α]] -> [α]
  concat xss = [x | xs <- xss; x <- xs]
length: #
head and tail: hd, tl
  hd: first element
  tl: select remaining portion
  hd([x]++xs) = x
  tl([x]++xs) = xs
  hd[] = NaN
  hd :: [α]->α
  tl :: [α] -> [α]
  relationship between hd and tl:
    xs = [hd xs] ++ tl xs
init and last: break a list at the end
  init(xs++[x]) = xs
  last(xs++[x]) = x
take and drop: 
  ?take 3 [1..10]
  ?drop 3 [1..10]
  take n xs ++ drop n xs = xs
takewhile and dropwhile
  zip ::([α],[β]) -> [(α,β)]
  use cases:
    scalar product: vectors x and y
      sp(xs,ys) = sum[x*y|(x,y)<-zip(xs,ys)]
      alternative definition:
        sp = sum · zipwith(*)
        zipwith f (xs,ys) = [f x y|(x,y) <- zip(xs,ys)]
    non-decreasing sequences: nondec function determines whether a sequence is in non-decreasing order
      nondec xs = and[x≤y|(x,y) <- zip(xs, tl xs)]
    position: position function returns position of first occurrence of x in xs
      position :: [α] -> α -> num
      positions xs x = [i | (i,y) <- zip([0..#xs-1],xs); x = y]
      position xs x = hd(positions xs x ++ [-1])
list indexing: !
  define (!) with zip
    xs ! n = hd[y|(i,y) <- zip([0..#xs-1],xs); i = n]
  define nondec with (!)
    nondec xs = and[xs!k≤xs!(k+1)|k<-[0..#xs-2]]
list-difference: --
  concatenation and list-difference are related:
    (xs ++ ys) -- xs = ys
    tl xs = xs -- [hd xs]
    drop n xs = xs -- take n xs
  we can define the condition that one list is a permutation of another list:
    permutation xs ys = (xs -- ys = []) ∧ (ys -- xs = [])
@mine: concept map
  concatenation: ++
    (++) :: [α] -> [α] -> [α]
    concat :: [[α]] -> [α]
    concat xss = [x | xs <- xss; x <- xs]

3.4 Map and filter

map: applies a function to each element of a list
  map :: (α->β) -> [α] -> [β]
  map f xs = [f x | x <- xs]
benefit of map: very simple and direct description
  sum of squares of first 100 positive integers
  sum(map square [1..100])
  ex: mathematical notation of sigma
    sigma f m n = sum(map f [m..n])
    sumsquares = sigma square 1 100
useful algebraic identities concerning map:
  map(f·g) = (map f)·(map g)
    if we apply g to every element of a list, and then apply f to each element of the result, then the same effect is obtained by applying (f·g) to original list
    ie. map distributes through functional composition
    consequence: if f has an inverse f⁻¹:
      (map f)⁻¹ = map f⁻¹
filter: takes a predicate p and a list xs and returns sublist xs whose elements satisfy p
  define by list comprehension:
    filter :: (α->bool) -> [α] -> [α]
    filter p xs = [x|x<-xs; p x]
    filter even [1,4,3]
    (sum · map square · filter even) [1..10]
    concise and simple: sums of squares of even numbers in range 1 to 10
      (sum · map square · filter even) [1..10]
  useful identities:
    filter p (xs ++ ys) = filter p xs ++ filter p ys
    filter p · concat = concat · map (filter p)
    filter p · filter q = filter q · filter p
    first law: filter distributes through concatenation
    second law: generalises this distributive property to lists of lists
    third law: filters can be applied in any order
  ex: second law
    xss = [[1,2],[4,3]]
    p = even
    filter p · concat xss = filter p [1,2,4,3]
      = [2,4]
    concat · map (filter p) xss = concat [[2],[4]]
      = [2,4]
translating comprehensions:
  there is a close relationship between functions map and filter and notation of list comprehensions
  we can define list comprehensions in terms of map, filter and concat
  4 rules for conversion:
    (1) [x| x <- xs] = xs
    (2) [f x| x <- xs] = map f xs
    (3) [e| x <- xs; p x; ...] = [e| x <- filter p xs; ...]
    (4) [e| x <- xs; y <- ys; ...] = concat [[e| y <- ys; ...] | x <- xs]
ex: translate: [1| x <- xs]
  introduce function const
    const k x = k
  [1| x <- xs] = [const 1 x| x <- xs]
    = map (const 1) xs
ex: translate: [x| x <- xs; x = min xs]
    minof xs x = (x = min xs)
  [x| x <- xs; x = min xs] 
    = [x| x <- xs; minof xs x]
    = [x| x <- filter (minof xs) xs]
    = filter (minof xs) xs
ex: translate: [x| xs <- xss; x <- xs]
  [x| xs <- xss; x <- xs]
    = concat [[x | x <- xs] | xs <- xss]  '(4)
    = concat [xs | xs <- xss]             '(1)
    = concat xss                          '(1)
ex: translate: [(i,j)|i <- [1..n]; j <- [i+1..n]]
  [(i,j)|i <- [1..n]; j <- [i+1..n]]
    = concat [[(i,j) | j <- [i+1..n]] | i <- [1..n]]  '(4)
    = concat [map (pair i) [i+1..n]] | i <- [1..n]]   '(2)
    = concat (map mpair [1..n])                       '(2)
    pair i j = (i,j)
    mpair i = map (pair i)[i+1..n]
  list comprehensions: clear and simple
    no need to invent special names for subsidiary functions that arise with map and filter
  higher order functions:
    easier to state algebraic properties
    use these properties in the manipulation of expressions
@mine: concept map
  [map] distributes over [composition]
    like: [multiplication] distributes over [addition]
    map(f·g) = (map f)·(map g)
    z*(x+y) = z*x + z*y

3.5 The fold operators

previous operations: return lists
fold operators: they can convert lists into other kinds of values as well
  foldr f a [x1, x2, ..., xn] = f x1 (f x2 (...(f xn a) ...))
    foldr (⊕) a [x1,..,xn] = x1 ⊕ ( x2 ⊕ (...(xn ⊕ a)...))
  second arg of ⊕ must have same type as the result of ⊕
  first arg may have a different type
  foldr :: (α -> β -> β) -> β -> [α] -> β
  if first arg is of different type then foldr operator can't be associative
using foldr we can define:
  sum = foldr (+) 0
  product = foldr (x) 1
  concat = foldr (++) []
  and = foldr (∧) True
  or = foldr (∨) False
common in all examples: 
  function ⊕ is associative
  has identity element a
    x ⊕ (y ⊕ z) = (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z
    x ⊕ a = x = a ⊕ x
  monoid: ⊕ and a form a monoid
if ⊕ and a form a monoid, then:
  foldr (⊕) a [] = a
  foldr (⊕) a [x1,...,xn] = x1 ⊕ ... ⊕ xn
ex where args to foldr is not a monoid:
  ex: #
    (#) = foldr oneplus 0
    where oneplus x n = 1 + n
    this defines the length of a list by counting one for each element
    oneplus :: α -> num -> num
    so it cannot be associative
  reverse = foldr postfix []
    where postfix x xs = xs ++ [x]
  takewhile p = foldr (⊕) []
    where x ⊕ xs = [x] ++ xs, if p x
      = [], otherwise
    takewhile (<3) [1..4] = 1 ⊕ (2 ⊕ (3 ⊕ (4 ⊕ [])))
      = [1] ++ ([2] ++ ([]))
      = [1,2]
fold left: foldl
  foldl (⊕) a [x1, ..., xn] = (...((a⊕x1)⊕x2)...)⊕ xn
    foldl (⊕) a [x1,x2] = (a ⊕ x1) ⊕ x2
  foldl :: (β->α->β)->β->[α]->β
    pack xs = foldl (⊕) 0 xs
      where n ⊕ x = 10 * n + x
    this codes a sequence of digits as a single number, most significant digit comes first
difference between foldr and foldl
  Both fold-left and fold-right reduces one or more list with a reducing procedure from first to last element, but the order it is applied is kept in fold-right while it is reversed in fold-left. It's 
@mine: concept map
  [foldr] is for right-associative [operator]
  [foldr] applies [function] in reverse order of the list argument
  [foldl] is for left-associative [operator]
  [foldl] applies [function] in same order of the list argument
  foldr :: (α -> β -> β) -> β -> [α] -> β
    second [argument] has same [type] as result of [function]
    because foldr (⊕) a [x1,..,xn] = x1 ⊕ ( x2 ⊕ (...(xn ⊕ a)...))
      a is the last argument in the open form
@mine: mnemonics
  symmetry of reverse functions
    opt1: foldr
      reverse = foldr postfix []
        where postfix x xs = xs ++ [x]
    opt2: foldl
      reverse = foldl prefix []
        where prefix xs x = [x] ++ xs
    opt1 case
      foldr reverses order of operations on xs
        (x1 ++ (x2 ++ [])) = (x1 ++ [x2]) = [x2 x1]
      because of right association
        xs is second argument
        xs contains last first 
      postfix puts elements to the end of the resulting list
    opt2 case
      foldl keeps order of operations on xs
        (([] ++ x1) ++ x2) = ([x1] ++ x2) == [x2 x1]
      because of left association
        xs is first argument 
        xs contains first first 

3.5.1 Laws

important laws:
  three duality theorems
first duality theorem
  foldr (⊕) a xs = foldl (⊕) a xs
  whenever ⊕ and a form a monoid and xs is a finite list
second duality theorem
  generalisation of the first
    x ⊕ (y ⨂ z) = (x ⊕ y) ⨂ z
    ⊕ and ⨂ associate with each other 
    x ⊕ a = a ⨂ x
  foldr (⊕) a xs = foldl (⨂ ) a xs
  special case: (⊕) = (⨂ )
    first duality theorem follows
    (#) = foldl plusone 0
      where plusone n x = n + 1
      reverse = foldl prefix []
        where prefix xs x = [x] ++ xs
      foldr postfix [] xs = foldl prefix [] xs
third duality theorem:
  foldr (⊕) a xs = foldl (⊕') a (reverse xs)
  ⊕' is defined by:
    x ⊕' y = y ⊕ x
  ex: reversing prefix: cons function
    prefix xs x = [x] ++ xs
    cons x xs = [x] ++ xs
      xs = foldr cons [] xs
      foldr cons [] xs = foldl prefix [] (reverse xs)
      xs = reverse (reverse xs)
  other uses:
    if ⊕ and a form a monoid:
      foldr (⊕) a (xs ++ ys) = (foldr (⊕) a xs) ++ (foldr (⊕) a ys)
    foldl f a (xs ++ ys) = foldl f (foldl f a xs) ys

3.5.2 Fold over non-empty lists

say: find max element of a list
  max = foldl (max) a
  question: what should a be?
    better if a is identity element
      if xs contains negative numbers, there is no such a 
  introduce new functions: foldl1, foldr1
    foldl1 (⊕) [x1 .. xn] = (..((x1 ⊕ x2) ⊕ x3) ..) ⊕ xn
    foldr1 (⊕) [x1, x2, ..., xn] = (x1 ⊕ ( .. (xn-1 ⊕ xn) ..))
    remember foldl:
      foldl (⊕) a [x1, ..., xn] = (...((a⊕x1)⊕x2)...)⊕ xn
    in particular:
      foldl1 (⊕) [x1] = x1
      foldl1 (⊕) [x1, x2] = x1 ⊕ x2
      foldl1 (⊕) [x1, x2, x3] = (x1 ⊕ x2) ⊕ x3
      foldr1 (⊕) [x1, x2, x3] = x1 ⊕ (x2 ⊕ x3)
    foldl1, foldr1 :: (α -> α -> α) -> [α] -> α
  max = foldl1 (max)
  defining foldl1 in terms of foldl:
    foldl1 (⊕) xs = foldl (⊕) (hd xs) (tl xs)
    foldr1 (⊕) xs = foldr (⊕) (last xs) (init xs)

3.5.3 Scan

scan: apply fold left to every initial segment of a list
scan (⊕) a [x1, x2, ...] = [a, a ⊕ x1, (a ⊕ x1) ⊕ x2, ...]
last value is: foldl (⊕) a xs
  thus: foldl (⊕) a = last · scan (⊕) a
scan (+) 0 [1,2,3,4,5] = [0,1,3,6,10,15]

3.6 List patterns

pattern matching with list arguments
introduce: (:) cons (construct)
  (:) :: α -> [α] -> [α]
  inserts a value as a new first element of a list
  ? 1 : []
  ? 1:2:[3,4]
  (:) associates to the right
  x:xs = [x] ++ xs
  difference from ++:
    (:) every list can be expressed in exactly one way
      that is why it can do pattern matching
  hd(x:xs) = x
  tl(x:xs) = xs
  define: null test
    null[] = True
    null(x:xs) = False
  define: single if list contains a single element
    single [] = False
    single [x] = True
    single (x:y:xs) = False
    note that: [x] is abbreviation for x:[]
    note that: three cases are exhaustive and disjoint

ch04: Examples

4.1 Converting numbers to words

ex: (convert): translate number to its English formulation

4.2 Variable-length arithmetic

4.3 Text processing

4.4 Turtle graphics

4.5 Printing a calendar

ch05: Recursion and Induction

every natural number is
  either 0
  or (n + 1)
every list is
  either []
  or (x:xs)
operator (#) defined by recursion
  #[] = 0
  #(x:xs) = 1 + (#xs)
concatenation by recursion
  [] ++ ys = ys
  (x:xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)
prove by induction for lists:
  P(xs) holds if
    case []. P([]) holds
    case (x:xs). if P(xs) => P(x:xs) for every x
proof for: concatenation is associative:
  claim: xs ++ (ys ++ zs) = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs
  proof: induction on xs
    case [].
      [] ++ (ys ++ zs) = ys ++ zs
        = ([] ++ ys) ++ zs
      establishes the case
    case (x:xs).
      (x:xs) ++ (ys ++ zs) = x : (xs ++ (ys ++ zs))  (++.2)
        = x: ((xs++ys) ++ zs) (hypothesis)
        = (x : (xs ++ ys)) ++ zs (++.2)
        = ((x:xs) ++ ys) ++ zs (++.2)

5.3 Operations on lists

5.3.1 Zip

recursive definition of zip:
  zip ([], ys] = []
  zip (x:xs, []) = []
  zip (x:xs, y:ys) = (x,y) : zip (xs, ys)
show that:
  #zip (xs,ys) = (#xs) min (#ys)
    case [], ys.
      #zip ([],ys) = #[] (zip.1)
        = 0 (#.1)
        = 0 min (#ys)
      establishes the case
    case (x:xs), [].
    case (x:xs), (y:ys).

5.3.5 Map and filter

recursive definition of map:
  map f [] = []
  map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
recursive filter:
  filter p [] = []
  filter p (x:xs) = x:filter p xs, if p x
    = filter p xs, other wise
ex: filter odd (map square [2,3])
  = filter odd (4:map square [3])    (map.2)
  = filter odd (4:9)       (map.2)
  = filter odd (9)       (filter.3)
  = 9: filter odd []     (filter.2)
  = 9:[]     (filter.1)
  = [9]
one law:
  filter p (map f xs) = map f (filter (p·f) xs)

5.4 Auxiliaries and generalisation

5.4.1 List difference

recursive definition of -- (list difference):
    xs -- [] = xs
    xs -- (y:ys) = remove xs y -- ys
    remove [] y = []
    remove (x:xs) y = xs, if x = y
      = x:remove xs y, otherwise
  remove is auxiliary function for (--)

5.4.2 Reverse

  reverse [] = []
  reverse (x:xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]

5.4.3 Second duality theorem

recursive definitions: 
  foldr (⊕) a [] = a
  foldr (⊕) a (x:xs) = x ⊕ (foldr (⊕) a xs)
  foldl (⊕) a [] = a
  foldl (⊕) a (x:xs) = foldl (⊕) (a ⊕ x) xs
second duality theorem:
  let (⊕) and (⨂) be binary operators and a a value st:
    x ⊕ (y ⨂ z) = (x ⊕ y) ⨂ z
    ⊕ and ⨂ associate with each other 
    x ⊕ a = a ⨂ x
    foldr (⊕) a xs = foldl (⨂ ) a xs

5.6 Combinatorial functions

  they involve selecting or permuting elements of a list in some manner
initial segments:
  inits returns all initial segments of a list
      inits "era"
      ["", "e", "er", "era"] 
    inits [] = [[]]
    inits (x:xs) = [[]] ++ map (x :) (inits xs)
    subs "era"
    ["", "a", "r", "ra", "e", "ea", "er", "era"]
    subs [] = [[]]
    subs (x:xs) = subs xs ++ map (x :) (subs xs)
  all possible ways of inserting an element into a list
    interleave "e" "ar"
    ["ear", "aer", "are"]
    interleave x [] = [[x]]
    interleave x (y:ys) = [x:y:ys] ++ map (y :) (interleave x ys)
    perms "era"
    ["era", "rea", "rae", "ear", "aer", "are"]
    perms [] = [[]]
    perms (x:xs) = concat (map (interleave x) (perms xs))
  xss is a partition of xs if:
    concat xss = xs
  ex: ["era"] and ["e","ra"] are partitions of "era"
  parts: returns all partitions of a list
    parts "era"
    [["era"], ["er","a"],...]

ch07: Infinite Lists

  infinite lists can be used to model sequences of events ordered in time
    ex: interactive processes

7.1 Infinite lists

7.1 Infinite lists

take n [1..] = [1..n]
[m..]!n = m + n
map factorial [1..] = scan (*) 1 [1..]
filter (<10) (map (^2) [1..])
  doesn't finish
takewhile (<10) (map (^2) [1..])

7.2 Iterate

fⁿ: a function composed with itself n times
  f⁰ = id
  f¹ = f
  f² = f · f
write fⁿ as (power f n)
definition of power:
  power f 0 = id
  power f (n+1) = f · power f n
  iterate f x = [x, f x, f² x, ...]
    iterate (+1) 1 = [1,2,3,...]
    iterate (*2) 1 = [1,2,4,...]
    iterate (div10) 2718 = [
  [m..] = iterate (+1) m
  [m..n] = takewhile (≤n) (iterate (+1) m)
  digits = reverse · map (mod10) · takewhile (≠ 0) · iterate (div10)
    extract digits of a positive integer
      digits 2718 
        = reverse · map (mod10) · takewhile (≠ 0) [2718,271,27,2,0,0...]
        = reverse · map (mod10) · takewhile (≠ 0) [2718,271,27,2]
        = reverse [8,1,7,2]
        = [2,7,1,8]
  group n = map (take n) · takewhile (≠ []) · iterate (drop n)
    break a list into segments of length n
uses with map, takewhile, iterate
  corresponds to
    while (arg != [])
      arg = drop n arg
      result += take n arg
  capture this patterns as a generic function: unfold
    unfold h p t = map h · takewhile p · iterate t
  corresponding operations:
    hd (unfold h p t x) = h x
      thus h of unfold corresponds to hd
    tl (unfold h p t x) = unfold h p t (t x)
    nonnull (unfold h p t x) = p x
definition of iterate:
  opt1: inefficient
    iterate f x = [power f i x | i <- [0..]]
    computes each of (power f 0 x), (power f 1 x) independently
  opt2: recursive
    iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)
      iterate (*2) 1 = 1 : iterate (*2) ((*2) 1)
        = 1:2:iterate (*2) ((*2) 2)
    similar to scan:
      both compute each element of the output list in terms of preceding element

7.3 Example: generating primes

7.4 Infinite lists as limits

example problem:
  filter (<10) (map (^2) [1..])
  why is this so?
    a theory of infinite lists is required
limits: one way of dealing with infinite objects
infinite object: limit of an infinite sequence of approximations
ex: infinite list [1..] is limit of the following sequence:

7.5 Reasoning about infinite lists

  partial list: any list ending in bottom
    any list of the form x1:x2:...:xn:Na
    thus: every infinite list is the limit of an infinite sequence of partial lists
  finite list: ends in []
    ex: 1:2:3:[] = [1,2,3]
  partial list: ends in Na
  infinite list: does not end at all
    ex: [1,2,3,...]
  continuity property:
    if xs1,xs2,xs3,... is an infinite sequence 
      with limit xs and f is a computable function
      then f xs1, f xs2, ... is an infinite sequence whose limit is f xs
    ex: [1..] is the limit of the sequence given above
      we can compute map (*2) [1..] as:
        map (*2) Na = Na
        map (*2) (1:Na) = 2:Na
        map (*2) (1:2:Na) = 2:4:Na
        limit of this sequence is infinite list: [2,4,6,...]
      note that:
        no equation defining map matches map (*2) Na because Na does not match either [] or (x:xs)
        this follows from case exhaustion on map
      thus we have:
        map (*2) (1:Na) = (1*2):(map (*2) Na)      (map.2)
          = 2:Na     (map.0)
        (map.0) indicate case exhaustion on map
consider expression: filter (<10) (map (^2) [1..])
  applying filter (<10) gives sequence:
    filter (<10) Na = Na
    filter (<10) (1:Na) = 1:Na
    filter (<10) (1:4:Na) = 1:4:Na
    filter (<10) (1:4:9:Na) = 1:4:9:Na
    filter (<10) (1:4:9:16:Na) = 1:4:9:Na
    filter (<10) (1:4:9:16:25:Na) = 1:4:9:Na
    limit is: 1:4:9:Na
  applying takewhile (<10) gives sequence:
    takewhile (<10) Na = Na
    takewhile (<10) (1:Na) = 1:Na
    takewhile (<10) (1:4:Na) = 1:4:Na
    takewhile (<10) (1:4:9:Na) = 1:4:9:Na
    takewhile (<10) (1:4:9:16:Na) = 1:4:9:[]
    takewhile (<10) (1:4:9:16:25:Na) = 1:4:9:[]
    limit: 1:4:9:[]

7.6 Cyclic structures

data structures can be defined recursively
consider: ones = 1:ones
  ones = 1:ones
    = 1:1:ones
    = 1:1:1:ones
  so ones is bound to infinite list [1,1,1,...]
  memory representation:
consider: more
  more = "More " ++ andmore
    where andmore = "and more " ++ andmore

7.6.1 Forever

let forever x be infinite list [x,x,...]
  ones = forever 1
    forever x = x:forever x
    correct but doesn't create a cyclic structure
    forever x = zs
      where zs = x:zs
    this produces cyclic structure

7.6.2 Iterate

definition that uses cyclic structure:
  iterate f x = zs
    where zs = x : map f zs

7.8 Interactive programs

interactive program:
  f::[char] -> [char]
ex: echo user input by capitalising
  capitalises = map capitalise
  capitalise x = decode (code x + offset), if 'a' ≤ x ∧ x ≤ 'z'
    = x, otherwise
    where offset = code 'A' - code 'a'
ex: terminating an interactive program
  capitalises' = takewhile (≠ '#') · capitalises

7.8.1 Modelling interaction

consider sequences of partial lists:
  capitalises Na = Na
  capitalises ('H':Na) = 'H':Na
  capitalises ('H':'e':Na) = 'H':'e':Na
techniques used to model infinite lists are suitable for modelling interactive programs

7.8.2 Hangman

ch08: New Types

3 ways to combine types:
  function space operator -> to form the type of functions 
  tupling operator (α, ..., β) to form tuples of types
  list construction operator [α] to form lists of values of a given type
4. way: construct new types directly

8.1 Enumerated types

type definition: explicit enumeration of the values of a new type:
  ex: type day:
    day ::= Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat
  ubiquitous Na: assumed to be a value of every type
  constructor function: 7 new constants of the type day
  constructor: first letter capital 
  variable, value, type: first letter small

8.2 Composite types

types whose values depend on those of other types
  tag ::= Tagn num | Tagb bool
  constructors denote a function:
    Tagn :: num -> tag
    Tagb :: bool -> tag
  ex: (Tagn 3) is a value of type tag
differences of constructors from other functions:
  there is no definition associated with constructor functions
    they are primitive conversion functions whose role is just to change values of one type into another
  expressions of the form (Tagn n) can appear as patterns on the lhs of definitions
      numval :: tag ->
      numval (Tagn n) = n
      boolval :: tag -> bool
      boolval (Tagb b) = b
    ex: functions discriminating between alternatives of the type
      isNum (Tagn n) = True
      isNum (Tagb b) = False
        isNum Na = Na
        isNum (Tagn Na) = True
        isNum (Tagb Na) = False
ex: temp
  opt1: union type
    temp ::= Celsius num | Fahrenheit num | Kelvin num
      three alternatives
      one component type: num
    comparing temparatures: requires an explicit equality test
      eqtemp :: temp -> temp -> bool
  opt2: type synonym
    temp == (tag, num)
    tag ::= Celsius | Fahrenheit | Kelvin
  opt3: non-union type with multi argument constructor
    temp ::= Temp tag num
    tag ::= Celsius | Fahrenheit | Kelvin
      temp: new type
        non-union type: has only one alternative
ex: file type
  file ::= File [record]
    values have form (File rs) where rs is a list of records
    to delete a record from a file:
      delete :: record -> file -> file
      delete r (File rs) = File (rs -- [r])
    other file processing functions:
      empty :: file
      insert :: record -> file -> file
      merge :: file -> file -> file
    advantage of defining file as a special type:
      additional measure of security
      synonym definition:
        file == [record]
        then every operation on lists is valid for files, no protection against misuse

8.2.1 Polymorphic types

type definitions can be parameterised by type variables
  file α ::= File [α]
  previous type file: (file record)
  pair α β ::= Pair α β
    Pair 3 True :: pair num bool
    Pair [3] 0 :: pair [num] num

8.2.2 General form

t α₁ α₂ ... ::= C1 t11 ... t1k1 | ... | Cn tn1 ... tnkn
  C1, ... Cn are constructor names
  tij: type expression

8.3 Recursive types

much of the power of the type mechanism comes from the ability to define recursive types

8.3.1 Natural numbers

nat ::= Zero | Succ nat
ex: values of nat
  Succ Zero
  Succ (Succ Zero)
every natural number is represented by a unique value of nat
arithmetic functions can be defined in terms of nat
  n ⊕ Zero = n
  n ⊕ (Succ m) = Succ (n ⊕ m)

8.3.2 Lists as a recursive type

recursive type definition of lists:
  list α ::= Nil | Cons α (list α)
    Nil is a value of (list α), and (Cons x xs) is a value of (list α) whenever x is a value of α and xs is a value of (list α)
    Cons Na Nil
values of type (list α) have 1-1 correspondence with values of type [α]
  thus: lists need not be primitive type
  partial and infinite lists:
    Cons 1 Na
    Cons 1 (Cons 2 Na)

8.3.3 Arithmetic expressions as a recursive type

different from previous examples:
  this is non-linear
non-linear types: trees
if e is an arithmetic expression, then either:
  e is a number; or
  e is an expression of the form: e1 ⊕ e2 
    where e1 and e2 are arithmetic expressions
    ⊕ is one of + - * /
type definition:
  aexp ::= Num num | Exp aexp aop aexp
  aop ::= Add | Sub | Mul | Div
two constructors: Num and Exp
aexp is non-linear
  because aexp appears in two places
    Exp (Num 3) Add (Num 4)
    Exp (Num 3) Add (Exp (Num 4) Mul (Num 5))
convert values of type aexp to numbers:
  eval :: aexp -> num
  eval (Num n) = n
  eval (Exp e1 op e2) = apply op (eval e1) (eval e2)
  subsidiary function: apply is defined by cases:
    apply Add = (+)
    apply Sub = (-)
    apply Mul = (*)
    apply Div = (/)

8.4 Abstract types

introducing a new type
  = naming its values
  except functions
each value = unique expression in terms of constructors
Using definition by pattern matching
  expressions can be generated
there is no need to name the operations associated with the type
concrete types: 
  types in which values are prescribed but the operations are not
abstract types:
  defined by naming its operations
  the meaning of each operation has to be described
    approach opt1: algebraic specification
      states relationships between operations as a set of algebraic laws
    approach opt2: describe each operation in terms of the most abstract representation

8.4.1 Abstraction functions

representing one class of values by another:
  abstraction function abstr
abstr:: B -> A
if abstr b = a, then b represents the value a
  abstr is surjective
    every value in A has one representation b
ex: correspondence between [α] and (list α)
  abstr :: (list α) -> [α]
  abstr Nil = []
  abstr (Cons x xs) = x : abstr xs
ex: between num and nat
  abstr :: nat -> num
  abstr Zero = 0
  abstr (Succ x) = abstr x + 1
  not bijective:
    every natural number has corresponding nat
ex: mathematical sets and lists
  abstr :: [α] -> set α
  abstr [] = {}
  abstr (x:xs) = {x} ∪ abstr xs

8.4.2 Valid representations

the function abstr:: B -> A gives complete information
  about how elements of A are represented by elements of B
  in particular if (abstr b) is well-defined, then b is said to be a valid representation
explicit predicate: valid
  determines what representations are valid
  arguments to abstr to be restricted for which (valid x) is true
ex: representing sets by lists
  abstr :: [α] -> set α
  abstr [] = {}
  abstr (x:xs) = {x} ∪ abstr xs
  the following 3 definitions of a valid representation:
    valid1 xs = True
    valid2 xs = nodups xs
    valid3 xs = nondec xs
  pairs (abstr, valid1), (abstr, valid2), (abstr, valid3) describe 3 different representations 

8.4.3 Specifying operations

ex: addset adds an element x to a set s
  addset :: α -> set α -> set α
  addset x s = {x} ∪ s 
  insert implements this operation in terms of lists
    insert :: α -> [α] -> [α]
  specified by the equation:
    abstr (insert x xs) = addset x (abstr xs)
  specifications are pictured as commuting diagrams
         ^    addset x       ^
         |                   |
   abstr |                   | abstr
         |                   |
         |    insert x       |
  diagram commutes
    both ways lea to the same result
  thus we require:
    abstr · (insert x) = (addset x) · abstr
  possible implementations of insert:
    insert1 x xs = [x] ++ xs
    insert2 x xs = [x] ++ [y| y <- xs; x ≠ y]
    insert3 x xs = takewhile (<x) xs ++ [x] ++ dropwhile (≤x) xs
  implementations for:
    insert1: (abstr,valid1)
    insert2: (abstr,valid2)
    insert3: (abstr,valid3)

8.4.4 Queues

suppose (queue α) is a collection of values of type α with following operations:
  start :: queue α
  join :: queue α -> α -> queue α
  front :: queue α -> α
  reduce :: queue α -> queue α
relationships between operations:
  front (join start x) = x
  front (join (join q x) y) = front (join q x)
  reduce (join start x) = start
these equations constitute algebraic specification

8.4.5 Arrays

abstract type defined by the following for operations:
  mkarray :: [α] -> array α
  length :: array α -> num
  lookup :: array α -> num -> α
  update :: array α -> num -> α -> array α
relationships between operations:
  length (mkarray xs) = #xs
  length (update A k x) = length A
  lookup (mkarray xs) k = xs ! k
  lookup (update A j x) = x, if j = k
    = lookup A k, otherwise 

ch09: Trees

any data-type that exhibits a non-linear (branching) structure is called a tree

9.1 Binary trees

two-way branching structure
  btree α ::= Tip α | Bin (btree α) (btree α)
  Bin (Tip 1)
    (Bin (Tip 2) (Tip 3))

9.1.1 Measures on trees