Rmarkdown examples

Table of Contents

Read yaml header parameters

yml = rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter("~/projects/study/r/ex_r_rmarkdown.Rmd")
  #> List of 10
  #>  $ title      : chr "Example: rmarkdown"
  #>  $ date       : chr "`r strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+03:00")`"
  #>  $ draft      : logi FALSE
  #>  $ description: chr ""
  #>  $ tags       : NULL
  #>  $ categories : chr "examples r rmarkdown"
  #>  $ type       : chr "post"
  #>  $ url        : NULL
  #>  $ author     : chr "Mert Nuhoglu"
  #>  $ output     : chr "rmarkdown::html_document"

yaml header parameters in raw format are here:

cat ~/projects/study/r/ex_r_rmarkdown.Rmd | head 
## ---
## title: "Example: rmarkdown"
## date: '`r strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+03:00")`'
## draft: false
## description: ""
## tags:
## categories: examples r rmarkdown
## type: post
## url:
## author: "Mert Nuhoglu"

Find external resource references / dependencies

Assume that I have an external dependency such as the following code:

cat ./globals.R

When first run, find_external_resources() couldn’t find external dependencies:

  #> [1] path     explicit web     
  #> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Then I added the following parameter to the yaml header of the Rmd file:

- ./globals.R
df = rmarkdown::find_external_resources("~/projects/study/r/ex_r_rmarkdown.Rmd")
  #>        path explicit   web
  #> 1 globals.R     TRUE FALSE
  #> 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  3 variables:
  #>  $ path    : chr "globals.R"
  #>  $ explicit: logi TRUE
  #>  $ web     : logi FALSE