Debugging a weird problem

df = tibble::tribble(
  ~data_field_name,   ~type,
      "vehicle_id",      NA,
            "type",  "TEXT"
  #> # A tibble: 2 x 2
  #>   data_field_name  type
  #>             <chr> <chr>
  #> 1      vehicle_id  <NA>
  #> 2            type  TEXT

After mutate(), second row’s type field becomes NA. This is unexpected behaviour.

df %>%
  dplyr::mutate( type = ifelse( rutils::is_na(type), "TEXT", type)) 
  #> # A tibble: 2 x 2
  #>   data_field_name  type
  #>             <chr> <chr>
  #> 1      vehicle_id  TEXT
  #> 2            type  <NA>

Using instead of rutils::is_na() solves the problem.

df %>%
  dplyr::mutate( type = ifelse(, "TEXT", type)) 
  #> # A tibble: 2 x 2
  #>   data_field_name  type
  #>             <chr> <chr>
  #> 1      vehicle_id  TEXT
  #> 2            type  TEXT

Here is the definition of rutils::is_na():

is_na = function(x) | all(ifelse( class(x) == "character", x == "NA", FALSE))

Probably, the unexpected behaviour is caused by intermixing of column data and row data. Normally, we expect mutate() to work for each row separately. But in this case, probably x argument is bound to the whole column vector not just a single row of it.